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University of Hawaii - West Oahuʻs Ka Puna O Kaloʻi writer Zenaida Serrano Arvman wrote up an article sharing the exciting news that we have officially launched our new website and catalog!! 

We're so excited! Go check um now go! 🥳🥳

Please visit our new website here: https://uluulu.westoahu.hawaii.edu/
And our new catalog here: https://uluulu.recollectcms.com/
You can also click on the links in our bio!

They are both connected to each other so you will be able to get from one to the next easily. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask us any questions!

Thank you Zenaida and Ka Puna O Kaloʻi!


📸:screen grab from Holo Mai Pele In the @picpacific collection
‘ULU‘ULU PRESENTS: HAWAI‘I PONO‘I 1970 for this year's @hiffhawaii Archival Screening on October 5 at 1:00pm at the Kahala Theaters. Tickets will be available for members starting on the 13th of September and for non-members on the 16th!

HAWAI‘I PONO‘I, the newly restored 1970 film, is a visually stunning and poetic meditation on music, the gods in the Hawaiian pantheon and the mystique and ancestry of Hana, Maui. Called ''Hawai‘i''s answer to Woodstock,'' the festive Ho‘olaule‘a O Hana Maui featured artists ‘Iolani Luahine, the Farden Sisters, Gabby Pahinui, Ka‘upena Wong, and Eddie Kamae. 

A panel discussion with filmmaker Myrna Kamae, Bishop Museum historian Desoto Brown, and archivist Janel Quirante follows the screening.

There will be a repeat screening on October 16th at UH West Oahu a 1:00pm

Follow our link in our bio to reserve free tickets for either screening.
Now Showing in the ʻUluʻulu Moving Image Archive public space,
Sorting some artifacts and older donations.

*please note that ʻUluʻulu is not accepting more artifact and gear donations at this time. Thank you! *

Sorting some artifacts and older donations. *please note that ʻUluʻulu is not accepting more artifact and gear donations at this time. Thank you! *

Happy back to school! As K-12 and soon, University students start hitting to road to get back to school we thought it might be fun to revisit some episodes from the UH SVFA's (Student Video and Filmmakers' Association) UH Magazine. The episodes we are screening in our public space focus on going back to school and how students demonstrated to incite change on campus in the 1990s and early 2000s. 

Re-live the experience of registering with the Paʻe Phone registration system, experience a new student's adventures in searching for their classes at the UH BusAd (now Shidler College of Business) Building! If you're interested in seeing any of these episodes just reach out to us directly to register with us and start streaming!
Some exciting changes are afoot! Stay tuned for more! Read the news story by following the link below or the link in our bio!
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